Monday, September 29, 2014

Chapter 1

I can't believe it's been over two months since the program has started, wow does time fly! It seems like yesterday I was working here in the city at a hotel and was anxiously anticipating my acceptance. The last day of my job was a hot Monday morning in the city and was mostly filled with giving farewells and goodbyes to fellow coworkers. As I was driving back home listening to some tunes I developed a feeling of nostalgia that I would be starting school again. Just like the first day of elementary school, I was anxious about meeting my fellow classmates and teachers for the first time.
With times following and the start of this program I can honestly say I do not have a single regret.

The first three blocks have passed and I have finally acclimated and found a rhythm. The material seems overwhelming at first, well not just at first but many times over and over which never ceases to amaze me. I'm not complaining, in fact I love the challenge. One of my favorite blocks was the microbiology block, particularly the lectures regarding antibiotics. This was the first time I felt like a physician and found much enjoyment deciphering many of the questions involving the use of antibiotics for the treatment of bacteria with their ever changing resistances. Also, I really have enjoyed the cardiovascular block that we are currently covering and am looking forward to acing the exam!

Breaking up concrete!
One of the many reasons the pharmacology program caught my eye was the involvement within the community. I had the wonderful opportunity to join the Habitat team helping build a home for underprivileged families. I ended up working at two locations in the month of September with one house in Hollygrove and the other house in New Orleans East. I performed many tasks from soffit and fascia work to laying down sod and leveling dirt. Let me tell, this was not easy work but having classmates there with you made all the difference. I also had the privilege of meeting one of the owners and her family who were also out there working hard.

9/06/2014: 8 hours
9/13/2014:8 hours

Total September Hours: 16